Your Guide for Healthy Living

The Use of Sauna for Wellness and Fitness

Far Infrared Sauna (FIRS) and Its Use in Detoxification, Health, and Fitness

There is an abundance of medical studies which have looked at the chemical and toxic burdens our bodies carry as a result of environmental exposures. We are being increasingly exposed to a whole range of new chemicals. In the last fifty years, it has been estimated that 5 million new chemicals have been created by man, of which 75,000 are in regular everyday use, of which less than 10% have had long-term toxicity testing. These chemicals are now present in the environment and are well absorbed through food, water, by inhalation and through the skin. Many are fat-soluble, meaning their accumulation in the tissue of our bodies is enhanced. It is now becoming very clear that the internal environment of our bodies reflects our external environment. Furthermore, because we are at the top of the food chain, and because we live for many years, the chemical burden is increasing each year. Studies done by the World Wildlife Fund and others have shown that all animals carry this burden.  

Our livers, the main organ responsible for detoxification are overburdened, but there is hope. It is unlikely that regulatory bodies, governments, and the like will reduce the chemical burdens in the environment. However, we can all benefit from helping our bodies detoxify.  One way to help is with Sauna. The Far Infrared Sauna (FIRS) has been clinically proven to help mobilize the removal of the chemicals from the cell. Here’s how: Each of our cells has a protective phospholipid membrane that is permeable, in other words, allows nutrients and unwanted waste to travel in. Since this layer is mostly made of fats, when the membrane becomes stiff, the exchange of both unwanted toxins and nutrients is impaired. With the assistance of micronutrients, support with good fats, sweating with FIRS and exercise, toxins are mobilized out of the cell, and nutrients can better be absorbed. 

How does addressing this help with overall health and fitness? First, as mentioned above, we are all surrounded by toxins and unfortunately, we all absorb them to some extent. Secondly, the act of exercise releases by-products of increased muscle activity, which also require clearing or detoxifying through the liver. A sauna can help reduce this burden as well, making for swifter recovery and more effective muscle recovery.

How to Use FIRS

1. A sauna must be pre-heated prior to entry. 

2. Heat the Sauna to 110 degrees when you are first starting. Also, depending on your level of illness, start at 10-15 minutes in your first session. You may visit the Sauna up to 5 times weekly, but it is important to start low and go slowly. You may increase temperature to 120 degrees in the second week of treatment as long as you can tolerate it. 

3. Make sure you’ve had something to eat beforehand, and drink pure water (balanced pH) before entering the sauna, as well as during and after. 

4. Supplement with minerals before and after use. I recommend Klean Hydration to ensure your cells do not dehydrate. Find all supplements at your discounted rate here in our Wellevate shopping portal.

After the sauna, it is helpful to take fish oil. I recommend two capsules of Orthomega, found here.

5. Rinse off as soon as possible after FIRS. Otherwise, you can reabsorb excreted toxins back into the system.

6. If you feel dizzy, nauseated, or feel like you are going to pass out, leave the Sauna immediately. Likewise, if you do not break a sweat in the first 5 minutes leave the sauna as you can overheat. The sweat response may take a little time to establish in some patients.

Make sure you are on your other recommended supplements for overall fitness, such as Klean Multi and Klean Antioxidant to keep cells healthy and promote your fitness gains!

By Susan Tanner, MD

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