Your Guide for Healthy Living

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Healing from Environmentally Triggered Illness

By Susan Tanner, MD – complete article written originally for and found at

Have you heard of fatty liver disease? Many have not unless they have been diagnosed with it. Fatty liver disease has become quite common, though, and now affects an ever-increasing number of people.
In fact, recent data suggests that as many as one in three Americans is diagnosed with fatty liver disease! Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD is a condition not caused by alcoholic cirrhosis and can begin when as little as 5% of the liver becomes clogged with fat.

A fat-clogged liver is obviously problematic for a multitude of reasons, but we are dedicating our discussion of NAFLD to how it relates to environmentally triggered illness and the ways in which things like mold exposure may both aggravate an existing liver condition and also make healing from mold illness more difficult.

Your body, including the liver, has a remarkable ability to heal when given the right ingredients and while avoiding the things that cause damage. Knowledge is power. Continue reading here.

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