Your Guide for Healthy Living

Health and Fitness Trackers Can Indicate COVID-19

By Susan Tanner, MD – complete article written originally for and found at

Now that everyone is sheltering in place and staying at home to avoid COVID-19 exposure, we are all doing what we can to stay mindful of getting in daily movement and adequate exercise as part of keeping our bodies healthy and our minds sound.

Many of us may even be using a heart rate monitor or fitness tracker to keep up with daily steps, activity, exercise and/or fitness goals. Did you know that you may also use these same tracking devices to help detect if you are becoming ill? Additionally, these devices may also be used to monitor how treatment and/or recovery is faring should you become ill or fall sick with the virus. I think with our COVID-19 pandemic, early infection diagnosis is especially important in order to prevent the spread of illness.

Continue reading here to see helpful information your devices can provide and how you can use that information or patterns in a preventative way.

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