Your Guide for Healthy Living

Fatigue or Adrenal Fatigue? Not Just at Holiday Time!

By Susan Tanner M.D.

Chronic fatigue has been discussed in other articles here and may be due to any number or combination of factors including toxins, viruses, gut disruptions, sleep disorders, etc. Adrenal fatigue is similar but is usually something that develops over time and its onset may be quite insidious. Adrenal insufficiency is the term used to describe this process and here I describe what is actually happening, some complications that it may cause, and steps to help correct it.

First, I want to be clear, adrenal insufficiency and adrenal fatigue are not diseases that are necessarily recognized by the traditional medical community. Addison’s disease and Cushing’s disease, which refer (in simplistic terms) to the lack or overabundance of adrenal hormones being produced may be hereditary or even tumor-related and are the diseases of the adrenal glands that we rarely see. The imbalance or RELATIVE lack of adrenal hormones produced is much more common and is the subject of this article.

As a review, the adrenal glands control many functions of the body. They are small glands that sit atop the kidneys. Though small in size, they have immense duties in the regulation of sex hormones, thyroid, the regulation of salts and blood pressure, and in buffering the body against stress of any kind, be it environmental, emotional, or illness related.  For the purposes of this article, I will focus mostly on the secretion of cortisol and its impact on multiple body functions.

If you have ever had poison ivy, asthma, allergic reactions, or autoimmune inflammatory processes, you may have been prescribed cortisone in oral, topical, inhaled, or injectable forms. Cortisone works very quickly to quell the inflammatory response of the body. It buffers the tissues against “foreign invader” syndrome which elicits the response of the inflammatory “soldiers” ( cytokines) which are there for protection. Cortisone also impacts blood pressure, and blood sugar, and gives a stimulatory response to other hormonal functions in the body. Our natural production of cortisol usually follows a curve, with the highest amount produced in the mornings, telling us to get up and get ready for the day. It gradually goes down during the day such that at night when it is bedtime, the levels are very low so that we can sleep.

When this natural curve of cortisol production becomes skewed, then it can affect how our energy levels are and how effective our sleep is. So here is the loaded question, “How do our cortisol levels become skewed?” The answer is “in multiple ways.”  

Environment:  If indoor air is full of mold or mycotoxins, chemicals, or even high dust counts, this keeps an ongoing stimulation to many parts of the immune system. In its protective efforts, the adrenal glands throw out cortisol in a much more sporadic fashion. It is possible that due to this overstimulation, the secretion of cortisol just stays switched on. Repercussions of this result in some reporting feeling very “wired”, hungry, and not able to sleep well. Weight gain is not surprising due to the increasing imbalance of blood sugar and insulin. Additionally, the impact of elevated cortisol levels can impact the function and regularity of sex hormones and the thyroid which simply adds to the complexity of the problems. 

Excessive emotional stress:  This can be from multiple causes, of course, and no one escapes without at least some degree of stress. But when these levels are unrelenting and no end in sight than the attempts of the adrenal system to help prop one up emotionally can lead to the same switched-on effect as a toxic burden. 

Diet:  Foods high in chemicals, refined carbs, and caffeine all have the ability to overstimulate the adrenals.

So far we have discussed the overstimulation of the adrenal glands, but what happens next? After a period of time, which varies widely from one to the next, the body then goes into what I term “burn out”.  The adrenals are no longer able to respond appropriately and simply become very quiet in an effort to conserve their own energy and function. The result is then a very low output of hormone, even when it is called for. Additionally, this cortisol output may become very dysregulated, in which there are big surges of cortisol followed by flatline output! You can imagine how impactful that can be on the body as a whole and indeed, it does lead to fatigue. Blood pressure can vary widely, from high to low, as well as heart rate. This is due in part to the rapidly fluctuating levels of salts, insulin, and other autonomic nervous system responses. 

The weird thing about this is that there is no single traditional blood test that diagnoses this condition. A blood level of cortisol can certainly be checked, but if the body is in the pattern of rapid swings of highs and lows, you may not catch any abnormality and even if you do, it may only reflect that moment in time and not actually define the process which is occurring. Salivary testing of cortisol done over the course of the day is the best way of tracing the curve of what is truly happening. Additionally, 24-hour urine collections may help see the total amount of cortisol being produced as well as how it is being diverted to assist other processes. It is a complex issue!

You may not have access to the testing to look at your adrenal situation but if you suspect that you have issues with this then there are some steps you can take to feel better and turn the tides before getting worn down!

  1. As always, address the air that you breathe. I cannot reiterate this enough, you will not get better if you are breathing air laden with molds, and chemicals. As we are in warmer weather now, keep an eye on humidity levels! It should be below 47% and the use of a dehumidifier may be necessary.  Mold loves moisture!
  2. Keep your diet clean. Keep the treats and alcohol minimal if at all. There are healthy alternatives that do not continue to overstimulate your system.
  3. Practice quiet techniques, whether it be meditation, prayer, or other self-soothing techniques. These go a long way in resetting the patterns of adrenal hyperstimulation.
  4. Exercise! Burning off excessive adrenaline with a brisk walk or another form of aerobic activity works wonders. A caveat here, however, is that you can overdo it if not careful. You must listen to your body, start slowly if you are extremely fatigued, and a few minutes may do it. If you are a seasoned athlete, then make sure to alternate heavy workouts with rest or stretch/yoga days to allow proper adrenal rest.  
  5. Proper supplementation can help. Phosphotidylserine at night can help rest the adrenals and may help you rest as well. Certain vitamin and herbal combinations can really help with both energy and overall hormonal balance. Extra vitamin C is a tonic for the adrenal glands and very helpful for immunity as well.

Our Wellevate portal provides a discount for nutritional products from many different companies, all of which are third-party certified.  Some you may find there are:

Adrenall by Orthomolecular

Phosphotidylserine  by Pure Encapsulations

Vitamin C crystals by Ecological Formulas

Ashwaganda by Gaia Herbs

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