Your Guide for Healthy Living

Exercise As Medicine

Okay, I can hear the audible groans! A key question I have always asked my patients is, “Do you exercise regularly? If yes, how much and what type?” This question was never meant to shame anyone but truly is every bit as important as identifying their current symptoms, health history and medications and supplements being taken.

Our bodies are meant to move, and “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” is a true statement. Far more important, however, are the huge positive impacts that regular exercise has on your immune system, overall metabolism, stress reduction, bone and muscle health, and longevity.  

Recommendations for exercise depends on many things, and varies according to your individual health, whether or not you are already active, and any underlying medical conditions that require modifications. What I hope to provide here is the basic course recommended for most. There is no “one size fits all” and if you have been inactive, I recommend that you do get medical clearance from your doctor before starting any program.

The Basics:

Aerobic Exercise and Strength Training

Both are equally important, as they work together to improve/maintain internal health and regulation and to keep bones strong and muscles and tendons supple. If you have access to a personal trainer, all the better, as they will help keep you accountable and customize a program for you to help you avoid injury.

Aerobic Exercise

The American College of Cardiology states that running five minutes a day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 45%. This is HUGE! I take that a step further and recommend something called high-intensity interval training, or HITT. This can be done walking, running, or on a bike or elliptical machine.

What to do:

  1. Start with a two-minute moderate pace, active but not breathless.
  2. Time yourself for 30 seconds while pushing as hard as you are able.
  3. Take 60 seconds back to a moderate level.
  4. Repeat: 30 seconds hard push, 60 seconds moderate effort for five rounds.
  5. Finally, do a two minute cool down at a moderate pace.

That’s it! As you become more fit, you can do more intervals, or you can incorporate these intervals into a longer overall workout session like a longer walk, jog, spin bike or elliptical experience. If you simply start here, with this minimal investment of time, the benefits can be noticeable in just a few weeks. These benefits may manifest as weight loss (due to improved metabolism), better endurance (as aerobic capacity is increased), easier sleep, and happier mood, as the metabolic changes AFTER you are finished exercising stay with you for the next 8-12 hours.

Committing to three days a week of HITT is ideal. If you suffer from fatigue or any illness, you can modify your maximal effort as needed.

Strength Training

Three days per week is recommended. These sessions can be incorporated in the days in between HITT or can be done the same day. Investing in some simple hand weights, resistance bands, or using machines at the gym or YMCA are all options. If you elect to use machines receiving proper instruction on their utilization is a very good idea to avoid injury. Start slow and light. While it is not in the scope of this article to demonstrate specific exercises, consider exercises that involve thighs, (hamstrings and quadriceps), your “bottom” ( gluteus), and shoulders and arms (biceps and triceps). In general, begin with a weight that you can easily lift, and 8-10 repetitions of the exercise. Rest 30 seconds and repeat, for a total of three sets. You may prefer to do “circuit training” in which you move from one exercise to the next to the next and then repeat the course. As you get stronger, you can increase the weight you use, little by little. Using proper techniques will prevent injury, and of course, modify, if you have underlying structural issues.

The overall benefits of resistance training include increased resting metabolic rate and easier weight loss, improved bone health and increased muscle mass, better body mechanics and coordination, improved insulin sensitivity and burning of more abdominal fat, improved regulation of hormones including growth hormone and testosterone.

“Readiness” Score

If you have been ill, or are new to exercise, there is value in pacing yourself with how hard to push or when you may simply need a rest day. One of the best measures for this is something called heart rate variability. This refers to the time interval between heartbeats. There are patterns that evolve that show the balance in overall heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, body temperature and more. Paying attention to these readiness scores can help you maximize your exercise efforts and know when to push harder and when to hold back. There are several different devices that can measure this. I personally like one called the Oura ring, which you wear during day and night to monitor. The info provided to the app on your phone is fascinating. Another similar device is called the Elite HRV, which involves wearing a chest strap and reads out to your smartphone. While you can monitor by how you feel, having documented scores gives you a great guideline as you progress more into the fitness world! Additionally, improvement in heart rate variability scores shows an overall improvement in patients suffering from chronic illness due to mold toxicity, chemical sensitivity, and others.

Proper nutrition and supplementation both support your fitness efforts and enhance your results. Please visit my articles on Sports Nutrition Basics and the Klean Athlete Program for more information. All supplements are offered at your discounted rate through our Wellevate shopping portal.

By Susan Tanner, MD

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